(1) 語 彙【症状】
頭痛: headache
胸痛: chest pain
腹痛: stomachache, abdominal pain
下痢: diarrhea
発熱: fever
吐き気: nausea
嘔吐: vomit, throw up
だるさ: tiredness
呼吸困難: difficulty in breathing
言語障害: impediment in speech
食欲不振: loss of appetite
肩こり: stiffness in the shoulder
さむけ: chills
寝汗: sweats night
発汗: sweats
しびれ: numbness
痙攣: convulsion
ふるえ: shiver
めまい: dizziness
不眠症: insomnia
痒い: itchy
激痛: severe pain
鈍痛: dull pain
圧痛: pre ssing pain
急性の痛み: acute pain
強い痛み: sharp pain
血尿: bloody urine
血便: bloody stool
便秘: constipation
不整脈: irregular pulse
痩せた: thin, skinny
太った: fat
傷: wound, injury
炎症した: inflamed
~が痛い: pain in~, ~ache, aching~
~が腫れる: swollen~
~に不快感がある: discomfort in~